No. 2/2023 (download)
UDC 341:343]:342.7
The Awkward Encounter of Criminal Law and International Criminal Law in Article 7 of the European Convention on Human Rights ( )
UDK 343.1(497.16)
Limits of Liability and Punishment of Co-Perpetrators in the Criminal Law of Montenegro ( )
UDK 34(38)(091)
Under the Auscpies of the Athenian Justice: Metics in Court ( )
UDK 340.141(=163)
On the Beginnings of South Slavic Legal Culture ( )
Ustav iz 1963. godine i ustavno sudstvo (dometi i ograničenja) ( )
Anikó Raisz (ur.), International Law from a Central European Perspective, Central European Academic Publishing, Miskolc, Budapest, 2022 ( )
Isprave Velikog suda ( )