Papers are to be sent exclusively in electronic format (as a .doc or .dox file) via e-mail to
Texts should be written in Montenegrin and other regional language varieties, as well as in English and should be no longer than one signature. Exceptionally, the maximum text length is 1.5 signatures. A signature is comprised of 16 pages containing 28 lines with 66 characters in each line – that is 28800 characters in total (font: Times New Roman, font size: 12).
If a text exceeds its allowed length, it shall be returned to the author for the necessary reduction.
The author’s academic title, name and surname should be stated in the upper left corner while the institution that the author is working at, other affiliations, their occupation and e-mail address should be stated in the accompanying footnote marked by an Asterix.
The text written for the STUDIA IURIDICA MONTENEGRINA Journal has to have an abstract with basic findings of the paper at the beginning. Its length should be up to 20 lines with a maximum of five keywords. The text should end with a summary of the approximately same size that contains no more than five keywords in English, German or some other foreign language relevant for the disciplines the article is referring to. Additionally, the reference list should be indicated (font: Times New Roman, font size: 11). The list should encompass coursebooks, monographs and articles cited within the paper as well as webpages these can be accessed at. When citing bibliography, the author’s surname is listed first, then the initial letter of their name followed by any other information in accordance with citation guidelines.
The title of the paper should be centred, written in uppercase. Subtitles should be centred, also written in uppercase (font size: 12) and enumerated using Arabic numerals. In cases when the subtitles are comprised of several units, they are also listed using Arabic numerals, as follows: 1.1. – written in lowercase, i.e. using regular lowercase letters (font size: 12), etc. in a smaller font.
Only original works which are not a part of a defended thesis, published monograph or a book, as well as those which previously have not been published or offered to some other journal should be submitted for publishing.
The STUDIA IURIDICA MONTENEGRINA editorial staff reserves the right to adapt the article according to the journal’s general editorial policy and language standards regarding orthography, grammar and style.
1. Books should be cited as follows: the initial letter of the author’s name (followed by a full stop) and surname, books’ title (written in italics), place of publishing (written in lowercase), year of publishing. Only when citing for the first time the author’s full name should be stated.
If the name of the publisher is mentioned as well, it is written in lowercase, usually before the place of publishing.
E.g. M. Marković, Nauka o pravu, AEN, Podgorica 2008, str. 35.
If the book has several editions, one may write the number of the edition in superscript (e.g. 2002).
If there is a reference to a footnote, abbreviation “fn” should be written after the page number.
E.g. M. Marković, Nauka o pravu, AEN, Podgorica 2008, str. 35 fn. 3.
2. Articles should be cited in the following manner: the initial letter of the author’s name (followed by a full stop) and their surname, title of the article (written in italics) – usually in quotation marks, name of the journal, (newspaper or some other type of a periodical) written in lowercase, its volume (issue) and year, page number without punctuation (the same as with citing books),
Only when citing for the first time the author’s full name should be stated. If the name of the journal is long, its abbreviated form which shall be used in the rest of the text should be stated in parenthesis in its first citation entry.
E.g. M. Marković, Nauka o pravu, STUDIA IURIDICA MONTENEGRINA 1/2018, str. 65.
3. If a book or an article has several authors (up to three), they should be separated by a comma.
E.g. M. Marković, P. Petrović
If a cited book or article has three or more authors, only the initial letter of the first author’s name and their surname should be mentioned with addition of the abbreviation of the word et alia (et al.), written in italics. Only when citing for the first time the author’s full name should be stated.
E.g. M. Marković et al.,
4. If a cited text is from multiple pages which are precisely indicated, they are separated by a hyphen, followed by a full stop. In cases when there are multiple pages that are not clearly specified, the number which refers to the first page is followed by “etc” with a full stop at the end.
E.g. M. Marković, 53-67.
If the cited information is from the same part of the text as the one in the previous footnote, Latin abbreviation for ibidem written in italics is used – with a full stop at the end (without stating the author’s name and surname).
E.g. Ibid.
If the cited information is from the same part of the text as the one in the previous footnote, but from a different page, Latin abbreviation ibid is used, the corresponding page is specified and a full stop is placed at the end.
E.g. Ibid., 69.
When an article is cited in a collection of papers in English or some other language, editors’ names are listed in parenthesis after the title of the publication. If there are multiple editors, the label “eds.” is placed in front of their names, and if there is only one editor, the abbreviation preceding their name is “ed.” – or a corresponding abbreviation in other language (e.g. “Hrsg” in German). When an article is cited in the collection of papers in Montenegrin or some other regional language variety, the name or names of editors are stated in the parenthesis after the title of the collection with the abbreviation “ur.” in front of it.
E.g. O. Lando, „Liberalism and Group Rights“, Essays in Honour of Joel Feinberg (eds. J. L. Coleman, A. Buchanan), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1994, 1–15.
7. Names of regulations are written in its full length, usually in lower case, followed by the name of the periodical in which the regulation has been published (written in italics) and, in most cases, its number and date of publishing (written in lowercase).
If the abovementioned law is to be cited afterwards, the abbreviation under which it shall appear in further text is mentioned in the first citation entry after the hyphen.
E.g. Zakon o upravnom sporu – ZUS, “Službeni list Crne Gore“, br. 054/16.
If the regulation has been amended, numbers and years of publishing amendments are subsequently listed.
E.g. Zakon o obligacionim odnosima – ZOO, “Službeni list Crne Gore“, br. 047/08, 004/11 i 022/17).
8. Article, paragraph, item and indent of a regulation are denoted by abbreviations Art., par., it. and in. when stated in plural, and there is no full stop after the last number.
9. Citations of judiciary decisions should include as detailed information as possible (the type and number of the decision, date when the decision has been made, publication in which it has been issued).
10. Latin and other foreign words, webpages, etc. should be written in italics.
11. Citing texts from the Internet should include the title of the text cited, link of the webpage written in italics and the date when the webpage has been accessed.
12. The abbreviation “vide” is used instead of “see” while the abbreviation “Cf” should be used for the word “compare”.
By submitting their manuscript, the author is confirming that it meets the publishing requirements stated below. If these conditions have not been fulfilled, the manuscript can be rejected.
The author is confirming the following:
– The article has not been previously published, nor it is a part of a defended MA or PhD thesis.
– The document is in a doc or.docx format.
– The text is fully formatted in line with the Guidelines for authors.
– The text of the paper (including line spacing, abstracts, keywords and footnotes) is no longer than 43000 characters.
Names, e-mail addresses and other personal data available to the editorial staff of the Journal shall be used exclusively for the aforementioned purposes, in accordance with Article 2 of the Law on Personal Data Protection (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No. 079/08, 070/09, 044/12 and 022/17) and shall not be available for any other purposes nor to any other party outside of the Journal.