No. 2/2019 (download)
UDK 004.738.5
The Renckhoff case and the reshaping of the non-for-profit use of material on the Internet ( )
UDK 347.611
Family laws of Montenegro and Serbia: drawing comparative analysis ( )
Codifying Civil Law in Southeast Europe Lessons for Montenegro ( )
UDK 343.1(497.16)
Criminal Offence Stalking in Criminal Legislation of Montenegro ( )
UDK 366.5: 061.1 EUUDK 341.2
International jurisdiction for online consumer contracts in european international private law ( )
Bart Wauters and Marco de Benito, The History of Law in Europe: An Introduction, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham, 2017 ( )
Slučaj izricanja smrtne kazne strijeljanjem iz 1853. godine ( )
Akademik Slobodan Perović 1932–2019 ( )