No. 1/2021 (download)
UDK 342.7(4)
The Interactions of the margin of appreciation and the legal systems as articulated by the ECtHR and the ECJ ( )
UDK 343.1:621.39
Video-Link as a Manner of Taking Criminal Procedure Actions (Is the Eventuality of Its Use Justified) ( )
UDK 327(497.16):061.1EU
Institutional and Legal Challenges of Montenegro on the Road to Membership in the European Union ( )
UDK 342(497.16)(091)
The Outline of the History of Montenegrin Constitutionality ( )
UDK 342.3(497.16)
The Curious Case of the Continuity of Montenegrin Legal Institutions ( )
Emir Ćorović, Osnovi prekršajnog prava Crne Gore, Fakultet pravnih nauka, Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Podgorica, 2021 ( )
Jasminka Hasanbegović, Ka filozofiji prava kao filozofiji ljudskih prava, Dosije studio, Beograd, 2021 ( )
Sentencije Crnogorskoga Šenata ( )