UDK 061.1 EU : 341

Budimir Košutić

Group 12 and Institutional Reform of the European Union (  )

UDK 343.3(497.16)

Olga Tešović

Alternative Criminal Sanctions in the Criminal Code of Montenegro (  )

UDC 336.77

Haris Muminović

The Rise and Risk of Private Credit (  )

Presentations at the conference "Promoting public awareness of the fight against transnational crime, the role of the police and judicial cooperation and respect for fundamental rights":

UDC 343.9(4)(091)

Teresa Russo

The Evolution of European Criminal Competence in the Fight Against Transnational Crime (  )

UDC 343.98:061.1 EU

Johann Wagner

Criminalistics and Criminal Justice Aspects of Proving and Solving Criminal Offences (  )

UDC 343.9.022

Jelena Đurišić

Organised Crime (  )

UDC 343.9.022:061.1 EU(497.16)

Jelena Đaletić

Montenegro and the EUROJUST (  )

UDC 343.9:341(497.16)

Ognjen Mitrović

International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters in Montenegro (  )

UDC 343.9(497-15)

Nikola B. Šaranović

Free Movement of Crime (  )

UDC 342.7:343.9.022

Mladen Vukčević

Respect for Human Rights and the Concept of Transnational Organised Crime (Challenges in the Rule-of-Law Field) (  )

UDC 342.7:343.9.022

Milorad Marković

Searching for a Just Balance (  )


UDC 342.7

Emil Mujević

Mladen Vukčević, Danilo Ćupić, Uvod u ljudska prava (drugo izdanje), Fakultet pravnih nauka, Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Podgorica, 2024 (  )


Documents of the Grand Court (  )